Besides my work as a freelance cartographer I also have a Patreon page.
I love to create high-quality RPG content for DM’s and players. Among the work that I put out on my Patreon are world- and regional maps, city- and town maps, dungeon- and battlemaps and even the odd illustration or two. My primary goal is to create content that is system-agnostic and available to everyone.
And you can get all this for as little as $1!
Free Maps!
I’ll draw maps based on a theme that is decided by my supporters. Each theme will consist of at least one larger area map (eg. an island, forest or kingdom) and various smaller scale maps focussing on specific areas (eg. A city or town, a town square, forest road, or dungeon). The amount of maps per theme depends on how interesting it is to my supporters. We might decide to move on to the next theme after 4 or 5 maps, or maybe we’ll flesh it out more before we move on. The next theme will again be decided by a poll among my supporters! Besides that, I’m always eager to hear your thoughts and suggestions so that I can continue to tweak my content to fit your needs!
The awesome thing is; all the content that I create is 100% free to everyone. That means that you don’t have to support me on Patreon to get access to the work that I put out. Feel free to use my maps for personal use. If you can spare some, I appreciate your support. If not, no problem!
Are you interested? Take a look over at my Patreon Page and become a patron: